Introduction Post

Hi I’m Frank Zimmerman. I’m a senior here at UP and am feeling mixed emotions about leaving. Glad to be registered for a cool course such as this one since it is one that I expect will be much more relevant and dynamic than most of the ones I’ve taken thus far. I’m excited to get into climate change and figure out where I stand in response to current issues. Right now, I feel like I’m not informed enough to create an intelligent opinion with what I know. This is also a class very different than those I’ve take and that also attracts me because I like getting into new territory academically and realizing yet another time just how little I really know. I enjoy these types of experiences first because they are humbling and second because I have always been attracted to nature and the world outside of buildings and other man made things. Learning about the climate will take me into a new realm of possibilities of areas to learn from that I’m interested in. I also really enjoy the application of the news to this class in that integrating current issues in the news will keep the students involved and aware of what is going on in the world around us. I tend to get scope vision while in school because it’s difficult to balance other things on top of the personal responsibilities that come with being a student.


One thought on “Introduction Post

  1. Hi, my name is Bobbie James. I’m late, but I just found the blog section. 😉 I’m a returning student from 2008. Returned back in Summer 2015. My original campus is Penn State Abington, studying Business Man (Acct), and this is my first time taking online courses. In my free time, I take care of my kids, and also expecting another (due March), hoping to return to my original campus next semester. I hope everyone enjoy this course, best of luck.

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