Ice-Albedo Feedback

One of the most relevant feedback mechanisms to climate change is the Ice-Albedo feedback mechanism.  A recent article in the New York Times details the changing temperatures at the north and south poles, and how the drastic nature of those changes has significant impacts on flooding and global climate.

In terms of feedback mechanisms, the Ice-Albedo mechanism fits this pattern because of the lack of and declining amount of ice in these regions.  In part due to climate change and the warming of the planet, ice has begun to melt.  With less ice, there are less surfaces to reflect the sun’s heat, and fewer sources of global cooling.

According to the New York Times article, the North Pole saw an average temperature in December of 2015 that was 20 Degrees Celsius warmer than usual.  With such a drastic temperature change in December, it is not surprising that glaciers and ice are melting at increasingly alarming rates.  As a result of this melting, the Ice-Albedo feedback mechanism is not able to cool the planet or to reflect the sun’s heat.

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