U.S. Carbon Emission Plan In Trouble

In Module 4, Global Climate Models (GCMs) are discussed and analyzed to show how climate predictions can be made in our future.  Along with GCMs, three models are analyzed in particular known as SRES A2, A1B, and B1 models.  These models differ by the path that humans choose to lead based on economic and environmental concerns in the upcoming future.  A2 is the most pessimistic and economic driven, while B1 is very optimistic and environmentally driven.  During the article I have chosen to blog about, titled “Supreme Court Blocks Obama Carbon Emissions Plan” by The New York Times, the United State Supreme Court have taken steps in leading us down the A2 road.  During President Obama’s campaign he has made great strides in trying to curb carbon dioxide emissions and last week had introduced a strategy in combating climate change for the United States.  However, the Supreme court has voted against the plan “to grant a request by 27 states and various companies and business groups.”

In my opinion, this is a very important time and scary situation for the United States to be in.  Big companies and business groups should not be influencing the decisions made with climate for our future.  This Supreme Court ruling shows that leaders and representatives instilled in the core of our country are making decisions based on the money instead of the well-being and health of the future.  Leaders should be looking to help future generations instead of their current monetary situation.  I am hoping to see rapid change within the decade towards environmental concerns and am glad to read that although the set back last week, Obama and the EPA are still very optimistic about the passing of the plan in the near future.

Hurley, Lawrence, and Valerie Volvovici. “Supreme Court Blocks Obama Carbon Emissions Plan.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 09 Feb. 2016. Web. 11 Feb. 2016. <http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2016/02/09/us/politics/09reuters-usa-court-carbon.html>.

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