Zika Outbreak Could be Omen of the Global Warming Trend

In module 5 we are studying the global carbon cycle and also, the effects that humans are implementing on the global carbon cycle. 2015 was recorded as the hottest year and scientists predict that the years will continually grow warmer and warmer. Earlier this year began the severe outbreak of the Zika virus which comes from mosquitos living in warmer, tropical areas, such as Brazil. As the temperature warms, the mosquitos are able to mature much faster, and therefore, spread diseases and viruses much quicker than when times were cooler.

The outbreak has gotten out of control and is far from having a cure. There have been many other outbreaks where climate change has been linked to as well. Some of these diseases include, malaria, Lyme’s, and a disease called bluetounge. The mosquitos lay their eggs in water that many people use as their daily drinking supply due to the poor plumbing of the cities.

Global climate change is not just affecting the warmer countries, it will soon directly affect every country around the world. The Zika outbreak is a clear example of the sorts of issues and diseases that we could be facing in the near future due to the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Global temperatures are rising which means the world needs to be prepared as best as possible for the side effects that will come with it.


Gillis, Justin. “Zika Outbreak Could Be an Omen of the Global Warming Threat.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 18 Feb. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

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