Blog post 5

According to the article in The Washington Post, the arctic is getting hotter. The ice is starting to melt, the water is drying up , generally now would be the time to be alarmed. Except we’ve been alarmed for a long time now. We can’t really be shocked into action about this. The increasing levels of CO2 are normal at this point. We’ve been seeing them rise for years.

From this point it seems like no amount of trees planted or hybrid cars bought can reverse the trend. I guess it makes some sense in a larger poetic way. we burn the things that used to be the dominant life forms on this planet for fuel, and they help to further secure our own inevitable demise.

Interesting enough plants will grow better in areas of increased CO2 concentration. But those places also need to actually plant the plants for that to have any impact. ANd hopefully it won’t get so ridiculous that the increased plant growth over saturates the earth in oxygen, making it more flammable and then burning the entire planet down.

Clip related.

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