Effects of Climate Change

In a regularly updated NASA post, top climatologists and NASA scientists write about the effects of global warming on the planet. They mention that the effects of global warming have already begun showing, including negative effects such as more intense and more frequent heat waves, the loss of glacial ice which results in an increase in the rate at which sea levels rise and a shift in when plants and trees are flowering and crops are growing. The article discusses IPCC findings stating that global temperatures will increase by between 2.5 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. Some regions will experience more significant warming than others, and some regions could even see benefits from the warming. The article states that an increase in mean global temperature of 1.8 to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit above the 1990 levels will produce “beneficial impacts in some regions and harmful ones in others” and that net annual costs will increase over time as the rate of increase of the mean global temperature increases.


At the end of the article, they link to numerous other articles and give summaries or excerpts of the article. The articles focus on the numerous effects of global warming including stronger hurricanes, more droughts and heat waves, drastic changes in precipitation patterns, and a longer frost free season which means a longer growing season. They also talk briefly about the effects in different regions of the U.S. Effects that we will see will include heavy downpours, flooding and the breakdown of infrastructure in coastal regions.

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