Week 8

What are some of the ways that ocean acidification will likely affect humans?


In order to fully drive home the negative impacts of a more acidic ocean people would need to have relatable concerns about what will happen. It’s easier to care if people who’s livelihoods depend on the ocean and fishing. Commercial fishing is a multi billion dollar industry and the most dangerous job anyone can do.

If people knew that a more acidic ocean would mean less fish, a higher price per pound of wild caught seafood and a decrease in the quality of it available maybe more people would act on the environmental factors that increase ocean acidification. It’s hard to make most people care about the depleted amounts of plankton, probably because they’re microscopic organisms.

Giant jellyfish are a serious problem, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/earthnews/8373420/Giant-jellyfish-invade-Japan.html

Aside from being really scary and venomous they eat the plankton which is the same food that fish eat. And they’re biologically immortal. unfortunately the only predator that could solve this problem in the sea of Japan would be gigantic sea turtles. And I do not think those exist or else they would’ve taken care of this problem.

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