Warming in Arctic Affecting Water Distribution

In this article, the redistribution of water resources around the globe is discussed. Comparing the years between 1968 and 2010, more water originating from the Artic and North Atlantic Oceans is present lower south in recent years due to increased evaporation up north caused by climate change. They were able to find the source of the water by using isotopic analysis that tells a story of where the water has traveled.  An increased temperature from climate change is causing the ice caps up north to melt faster than ever and this is causing an unstable polar vortex that frequently plunges into North America and brings cold temperatures to the Eastern US. The change in the polar vortex also brings all of that extra water vapor to the south disrupting precipitation distribution.

This is a problem because this can change many of the mechanisms used to transport water around the globe. Lower air temperatures can hold less moisture than warmer temperatures, an increase or decrease in temperature can change when, and where the moisture is released. Seeing as this article is only focusing on one area of the globe, it is hard to say what impacts other areas are having as well. This article stood out to me mainly because of the distance. Changes in the Artic are affecting people over 2500 miles away. It just goes to show that our actions do have equal or greater reactions and we should be conscious of them.



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