
Recently papers have been released by The Center for International Environmental Law.  The papers show that Humble Energy has know about rising CO2 levels since 1957 which is nearly 60 years.   The data also demonstrated that rising CO2 levels would cause warming earth temperatures.  Humble Energy now belongs to Exxon a major energy company. The papers also reveal that Exxon used the information to plan against regulation.  This is because oil would be less profitable with more regulations to prevent CO2 from rising.  Investigations by four attorneys in the US Virgin Islands are underway.  Exxon does not have an ties to the Virgin Islands meaning their courts hold little influence.  However Exxon has already challenged the investigation in Texas.

Although Exxon denies any involvement of hiding or abusing climate science, the papers seem to be evidence of the contrary.  The company once again acknowledged that climate change may be a threat.  Showing the issue is whether Exxon withheld valuable information when they first discovered the problem in 1957.

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