The “I like warm weather” effect

Global Warming is occurring at a rapid rate and yet people believe it is a minor issue in the United States.  This can be contributed to a common phrase for people who do not want to address Global Warming “I like warm weather so how can Global Warming be bad”.  People overall enjoy a more mild winter that has been contributed to with Global Warming.  According to a study eighty percent of Americans live in places that have better climates than 40 years ago.  In this period summer temperatures have risen slightly with a decrease in humidity, while winter temperatures have risen drastically, causing people to enjoy warmer winters.   Since Americans associate daily weather, this will have a negative effect on convincing people global warming exists.  The other issue is the trend of warmer winters and slightly warmer summers will change later in the century when it is to late to address climate change.

To counteract this issue global warming should not be talked about in warming temperatures, but instead about the temporary/short lived positive weather effects.  We should also talk about the increase in severity in storms, since humans understand the impact on the economy of storms.


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