blog 12

Ashanti Thomas

April 24, 2016

Earth 103

Blog 12

Blog 12

 How does ancient climate inform us about future climate?

We can determine ancient climate by looking at tree rings, fossils, glaciers, and etc.

But to use ancient climate to determine future climate may be difficult. In an article titled “Ancient climate records ‘back predictions’one of the most prominent facts state, “Records of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere millions of years ago support current predictions on climate change, say scientists.” This shows that the fossils that have been preserved for 2-3 million years have helped to preserve evidence as well predicting our future climate because our rising CO2 levels are matching those of the past and the ones predicted. (BBC)

By comparing past climate records with recent climate records it is easier to see what climate changes are reoccurring or what changes are similar to the past and that is how you can use ancient climate to predict future climates.

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